Hi, we’re Jacqui & Jemma – two friends sharing a passion for helping those facing illness.
Jemma is a clinical psychologist who specialises in cancer care – she’s the brains and expertise behind our site.
Jacqui has years of IT, business and community experience and has had her own brush with cancer. She is the arms and legs behind the TMTM brand.
If you haven’t already read our story, you can find out all about us here: Our Story.
Hi, I’m Gillian. I joined Jacqui and Jemma as co-owners of Treat me treasure me in 2019. I’ve had first hand experience with cancer, having been through treatment and surgery for breast cancer in 2009.
Together we are Treat me Treasure me and we’re very keen to hear from you.
If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to contact us through the form provided or email us directly at: inquiry@treatmetreasureme.com.au
Treat me Treasure me is based in Sydney, Australia.
Note: For returns or delivery address, please send an email or an enquiry using the form, above.
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