Colouring Cards – pack of 6 custom designed
Arts and crafts are brilliant when you need to feel settled but do something to occupy yourself; but the problem is that it is not always convenient (or possible!) to have your kit with you and your arms moving about. Remember those times as a child when you got lost in colouring in? Well now’s a good time to get lost again in something simple that doesn’t take much effort or concentration! It’s frivolous, distracting and a way of losing yourself for a few moments. J&J xx
These six mixed A5 colouring cards are designed especially for Treat me Treasure me – for times when a little light hearted distraction is exactly what’s needed.
- A truly inspirational woman has designed these fabulous colouring-in cards. We adore them.
- On each card is a phrase or a picture. Not twee. Not telling you to “be positive”.
- The cards can be used to relax and zone out, say “thanks” to someone or to remind you of what matters to you.
- Each pack comes with a little set of colouring in pencils (how cute is that!) – it will save you from trying to find some, not having the right colours, then having to find a sharpener – you get the picture? Yes? Well get these pictures instead. Much more fun.
Comes with a 12 set of colouring pencils.
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